Air purifiers

The whole world has changed in recent months and has had to adapt to living with new threats and diseases. We have all been forced to transform and adapt our lives to this new normal, which in many cases is very complicated. For this reason, from Aquafuerte we want to give some advice to assess the possibility of acquiring an air purifier.
Is it really worth putting an air purifier at home?
Our common sense would tell us that outdoors there is a higher concentration of pollutants than inside our homes. And while it is true that the amount of emissions released by car exhaust systems can be considered a threat to health, the truth is that inside our own home we are also exposed to pollutants, that's when we talk about the need purchasing an air purifier.
In a house where dust, mites, hair or animal odors are found most of the time, you are not breathing clean air. It is true that this situation can also occur in outdoor environments with high pollution.
For people who suffer from asthma problems or other types of reactions, such as allergies, it is vitally important to improve the quality of the air they inhale on a daily basis. The higher the air quality, the higher the quality of life. Considering that a high percentage of our daily time is spent within four walls, an air purifier can be considered one of our best allies.
Viruses are known to be transmitted through contact between people, which is why the much-heard social distance and hygiene habits are necessary. Now, many supported studies already certify that virus aerosols are also very contagious. These aerosols come from particles of saliva, sneezes or coughs that remain floating in the environment.
Our air purifiers include a PM 2.5 and 1 PM air quality sensor. By means of a display it indicates the quality of the air in the room: green-excellent light, blue-normal light and red-bad light.
Since this was discovered, many experts recommend avoiding indoor spaces with many people. But what to do when we are at home? This is where air purifiers come into play.
What are air purifiers?
What is an air purifier for?
As we have already mentioned, its main function is to provide cleaner air, although it can also improve the thermal comfort of a room. It is a complement to other air conditioning devices, such as a dehumidifier or air conditioning.
It will also help, in the case of these additional air conditioning devices, to alleviate the unwanted effects caused by them, such as the appearance of mites or bacteria in an environment that is too hot.
Advantages of air purifiers
- Improve air quality when you breathe: Many people are unaware of the type of air they breathe in their homes and that ignorance leads to breathing air that is sometimes considered harmful.
- Cleaner environment: The air contains many polluting substances, such as viruses or bacteria that are eliminated with a good air purifier.
- Preserve health: The main respiratory problems can be avoided by increasing air quality.
- Eliminate bad odors: Most of the bad odors derive from the polluting elements, reducing the pollution we will eliminate them.
How does an air purifier work?
The equipment extracts air and then expels it clean. That is, a device that purifies polluted air. It eliminates pathogens down to 1 micron, through impact and interception mechanisms, but also the smallest particles of that size, through diffusion.
The size of the rooms, a key factor.
When deciding which one to buy, the most important thing to consider is the size of the area to be cleaned. At Aquafuerte we have the GZ-UV-600 model for rooms up to 72 m2, and a superior model, the GZ-UV-900, for larger rooms.
2 Comment(s)
Muy buen artículo. Estaba pensando comprarme uno porque me lo había recomendado una amiga que lo compró pero no sabía bien bien como funcionaba y con vuestro artículo me he aclarado las ideas y creo que me compraré uno finalmente porque me vendrá muy bien.
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario Gavri! Ahora los hemos rebajado, y en tienda tenemos muchos más modelos de diferentes precios, si quieres nos pasas un email y te pasamos información detallada de todo sin compromiso alguno.
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